This 90-day course introduces foundational skills in the cornerstone design applications of the Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. The course consists of video demonstrations of a variety of practical applications in each software, building from introductory to more complex projects. Students may email questions to the instructor, and upload files for troubleshooting and feedback. The three course modules are independent and can be completed in any order*.
This class is pass/fail. To pass, participants must complete and save all exercises, and alert the instructor upon completion of each module. Instructor will request a random sampling of exercises. If there are substantive differences between submitted files and the examples, instructor will detail these and ask for corrections. Any such corrections must be submitted within the 90-day course access.
*NOTE: If you are taking this in preparation for the Graphic Design Certificate program, and it starts in less than 90 days, save InDesign for last. If you anticipate completing the Photoshop and Illustrator modules before the Certificate program begins, you may enroll before you finish this course— seats are limited, so I advise enrolling asap.
Click the icons below to access each module: